PRESIDENT (term exp 2022)

Gerry Schmanke

Vice President (term exp 2022)

Bill Beasley

Treasurer (term exp 2022)

Laurie TIBBS

Secretary (term expires 2022)

Susan Bausch

BOARD MEMBERS (term exp 2023)

Gilbert "Gib" Ramirez
Emily Young
Patrick Nichols

board members (term exp. 2022)

Steve Tate
Suki Blakely
Joe Kurtz

Interested in serving on the Board?

If you are interested in helping keep the blues alive, you can help by serving on the TBS Board (keeping in mind that this is a WORKING Board)!  Terms are two years.  Please let someone on the board know you are interested or email

Elections will be during the Annual Membership Meeting, held in August.

“I am a blues fan… because the music is easy to listen to. Outdoor festivals are the best! I wanted to be part of an organization that promotes live music.”

- Why I became a TBS Member